Collection: Salvage: Abandoned treasures of abundance

Crusted gems of worlds forgotten. The pleasure of discovering all the wonderful things still in existence - the satisfyingly tactile, sometimes whimsical and often bearing marks that transport us back to moments in childhood fondly remembered. Rescued, are objects discovered in unlikely places, some, which may have crossed our paths before; their descriptions read aloud to us in story books or perhaps, springing from scenes  in plays and favourite films.

Walking through crowded market places and salvage yards, even flicking through the pages of auction catalogues, there is usually a sense a prize might be won. Yet, as with any lucky acquisition, there is the reality of parting with it that remains a hefty price to pay..the giving up of course, of a thing selected by the heart first of all.

Our collections, from toys to shelving, ceramics branded with potters’ marks, even biscuit or chocolate tins and old milk bottles are pieces lifted, some from dust-ridden corners, their unique features a challenge to recognise upon first glance. Much has been sourced from places worldwide, where the opportunity to travel and absorb cultures supports our mission to identify and then resuscitate pieces once loved and then fallen